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Arts Facilities in Pleasanton

At first facilities-oriented, PCAC has been involved since 1974 in raising funds to help support, expand and sustain our community’s arts facilities.

The Cultural Arts Building

PCAC actively supported and rallied community support for the construction of the Cultural Arts Building to house arts activities.

The Amador Theater

During the 1980s, in a concerted effort with the City of Pleasanton and the Pleasanton Unified School District, PCAC members chaired the committee and led the capital campaign to renovate the Amador Theater, raising over $800,000 for the project. PCAC continues to support the needs of the theater by obtaining funding for improvements such as dressing rooms, balcony upgrades, and the purchase of a concert-quality grand piano.

The Firehouse Arts Center

Old Fire Station Number One served downtown Pleasanton well for many years. It is located on Railroad Avenue, in Wayside Park, just a few steps off Main Street in the heart of downtown.

Firehouse Arts Center
The new Firehouse Arts Center.

The fire department vacated this station, and has moved to a new facility on Bernal Avenue. By the decision of the City Council, the historic old station house has been totally rebuilt, and has become a first-class small arts center, the first of hoped-for improvements in facilities for the arts in Pleasanton.


Arts facilities are very commonly built and operated with a combination of public and private funds. That has been the case here. The Pleasanton Cultural Arts Foundation has worked to raise funds to help make this new arts facility a reality. The new facility is owned and operated by the City of Pleasanton, but private contributions have been a substantial help to make the building possible, and an endowment fund will assist with programming expenses.

Firehouse Arts Center
The foyer of the Firehouse Arts Center.

About the Firehouse Arts Center

The rebuilt Firehouse houses a state-of-the-art small theater. While the focus will be on plays and dramatic presentations, the theater will also be used for musical events and lectures. There will be strong emphasis on productions involving young people, providing new opportunities for youth, not only for recreation, but for experience and training in dramatic arts. It is expected that there will be productions of all kinds, involving many Pleasanton residents but also bringing in talent from far and wide, providing a rich fare of culture in downtown Pleasanton.

The Firehouse also houses a gallery for the display of visual arts, and classrooms for instruction in painting, sculpture and other visual arts. Here Pleasanton youth will have a place to develop their talents and display their work. There will also be displays by local adult artists, and showing of art by noted artists from around the world, to enrich the cultural life of our city.

TOPTo visit the Firehouse Arts Center website, CLICK HERE.