Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council | The Arts . . . They're for everyone. Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council Join PCAC -- Kepp the Arts alive!
About Us
The Big Draw Arts Festival
PCAC Arts in the Schools Grant Program Overview
Arts Supporter of the Year Award
Arts Facilities in Pleasanton
Become a Member of PCAC
Become a Member of PCAC
Become a PCAC Volunteer

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Become a Member of PCAC

PCAC invites you to become a member. Your membershop will help keep the Arts alive in Pleasanton and the Tri-Valley area. Membership dues and all additional contributions are tax-deductible charitable donations. Members must be 18 years OLD or older. If you are joining as a family or other group, at least one member of that group must be 18 or older.

How to Become a Member


Choose your level of membership, then click "Join PCAC." (By submitting your membership fee, you are affirming that you are at least 18 years of age.)

Individual Contributor: $35


Business Contributor: $50


Silver Contributor: $50


Corporate Contributor: $100


Gold Contributor: $100


Platinum Contributor: $250


OPTION 2: Mail a check or money order

CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the Membership Form, fill it out and mail it to us with your check or money order, made payable to PCAC. Mail it to the following address:

Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council     
P.O. Box 1298      
Pleasanton, CA 94566

PCAC Membership Interest Form

If you are interested in becoming a member of PCAC, but would like more information first, please see our CONTACT US page. Fill out and submit the online form, and we will contact you with the information you seek.

Our members:

  • Believe the arts play an essential role in the life of a vibrant, healthy community.
  • Recognize the importance of creativity in everyday life and work as a team to bring enriching arts experiences to others.
  • Share the philosophy that quality arts education programs should be accessible to everyone in our community.
  • Love the arts, help nurture and expand our community's cultural activities, and support and sustain our arts facilities.
  • Envision innovative ideas and activities – in music, dance, literature, drama, and visual arts – and help plan and sponsor new programs.
  • Work to ensure that PCAC’s vision of quality public art and art education continues to grow and hold a central place in Pleasanton’s cultural future.
  • Welcome all new member-volunteers who share this passion for community arts.

We hope you will join us!

Membership Benefits

  • PCAC Members will receive the PCAC quarterly newsletter in the mail, Arts in Season. This newsletter will keep you up to date with current cultural events and activities in the area.
  • PCAC Members receive invitations to exclusive members-only events and receptions.
  • PCAC Members help support the arts in their community and help ensure that present and future generations in Pleasanton have access to the arts.
  • PCAC Members will get acquainted with other members of our community who are of "like mind" and who feel their lives are enhanced because of their involvement in the Arts.

Annual Dues RateS

  • Individual Contributor: $35
  • Business Contributor: $50
  • Silver Contributor: $50
  • Corporate Contributor: $100
  • Gold Contributor: $100
  • Platinum Contributor: $250
  • Non-Profit Arts Organization: FREE

Make a Tax-Deductible DONAtion to PCAC

PCAC welcomes your donations. Your donations will help keep the Arts alive in Pleasanton and the Tri-Valley area. All donations are tax-deductible charitable donations. CLICK HERE to make a donation.


PCAC is looking for volunteers to work on PCAC programs and operations. CLICK HERE to contact PCAC through the Volunteer INTEREST Form.

Attend a Meeting

You are welcome to drop by PCAC's regular Board of Directors meetings, which are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room of the Pleasanton Senior Center, 5353 Sunol Blvd., Pleasanton, CA. Members and other visitors are always welcome!


Phone us at 925-931-1111 or email