

"A Night to Remember"
Tamriko Siprashvili and Temirzhan Yerzhanov
Piano Performance 8 PM, Jan. 24, 2015, to support the Arts in the Schools
Grant Program.
Entitled "A Night to Remember," the concert will include Schumann-Debussy:
Six Etudes in the form of a cannon Op. 56; Ravel: La Valse Intermission; Rachmaninov:
Suite No. 2, Op. 17; Saint-Saens: Dance Macabre Op. 40; Czechoslovakian composer
Martinu: La Fantaisie 180, the Bay Area premier of this stirring piece.
This two-piano concert is presented by the Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council
to benefit The Arts in the Schools Grant
Program. We need your support to make
this a successful and unforgettable evening.
CLICK HERE to downoad the
Sponsorship Form to become a sponsor of the piano concert by mail.
Any other contributions are greatly appreciated. All Donations are tax deductible.
Patrons, Sponsors and Donors will be acknowledged in the program, unless you
wish to remain anonymous. Any other contributions are greatly appreciated.
All donations are tax deductible.
Entitled "A Night to Remember," the concert will include Schumann-Debussy:
Six Etudes in the form of a cannon Op. 56; Ravel: La Valse Intermission; Rachmaninov:
Suite No. 2, Op. 17; Saint-Saens: Dance Macabre Op. 40; Czechoslovakian composer
Martinu: La Fantaisie 180, the Bay Area premier of this stirring piece.
mail the Sposorship Form with your tax deductible check to Pleasanton Cultural
Arts Council, P.O. Box 1298, Pleasanton, CA