Become a Big draw sponsor!

Three Sponsorship Levels Are Available
Main Event SponsorsHIP/Masterpiece Level: $1,000
There are only three Materpiece Level Sponsorships available. At this level
you will receive your name on festival printed materials and the website; your
name will be inscribed in large letters on the pavement next to a featured
street painter; and one banner ad placed at each main stage (you provide the
Artistic Piano SponsorsHIP/Portrait Level: $500
There are only four Portrait Level Sponsorships available. At this level
you will receive your name in paint incorporated into the creative paint design
of a piano that will be placed on Main Street in downtown Pleasanton for five
days leading up to the event and during the event, plus recognition on the
There are only four Portrait Level Sponsorships available. Pianos painted by the Pleasanton Middle Schools and YMCA will be placed on Main Street in downtown Pleasanton for five days leading up to the event and during the event. Your name will be featured on a banner on or near the piano. (You provide the banner).
Artist SQUARE SponsorsHIP/LANDSCAPE Level: $125
At this level you will receive your name in chalk at the artist's 4' x 4'
site, plus recognition on the website.
To become
a sponsor, choose your level of sponsorship from the
pull-down menu below, then click the "Buy Now" button.
Donations of in-kind support of any level are appreciated. Please
click here to contact The Big Draw Committee.
CLICK HERE to download the
Sponsorhsip Information Flyer for The Big Draw.
CLICK HERE to download
the Sponsorship Application Form.
For more information about the event, artist registration, award and volunteer
opportunities, CLICK
HERE to visit The Big Draw website.
Questions? CLICK
HERE to send us an email.