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Marketing with Social Media: A Seminar for Non-Profits and Business


The latest statistic is that if Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest country in the world. And for non-profits and the Arts, this is great news. There is now a way to reach a large audience without dipping into very small operating budgets. But any tool is only as good as its user, which is why The Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council hosted a Marketing with Social Media Seminar on October 13, 2011. The seminar was taught by David Perry, of David Perry & Associates, a leading PR firm in San Francisco. David is an award-winning speaker and frequent lecturer on the ever-morphing world of journalism, public relations and social media.

Marketing with Social Media: A Seminar for Non-Profits and BusinessThe seminar was at capacity, with 55 people in attendance, representing over 15 different arts organizations, as well as some business owners and students. There were also professionals and volunteers on hand to give organizations technical assistance in getting started with Facebook, Twitter and other venues. All of the attendees gave the seminar top ratings, and we will hopefully see a greater Arts presence on Facebook and other media in the TriValley.

So now we all have a new way to support the arts: become fans on Facebook, follow posts on Twitter, attend and review events. Let's make our community flourish with the Arts. We’ll all be better for it.

  Award-winning speaker and lecturer David Perry, the presenter of the seminar, is the founder of David Perry & Associates, an award-winning PR firm in San Francisco, whose clients include the Asian Art Museum, The Academy of Art University, SF Fleet Week, Edgewood Center for Children and more. For more information go to or CLICK HERE to see an excerpt of a past presentation on YouTube. Marketing with Social Media: A Seminar for Non-Profits and Business
