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PCAC Arts in the Schools Grant Program Resource List

Below is a list of groups and individuals who are available to present arts programs in Pleasanton schools; however, choices are not limited to this list. For more information about any of these references, please send an email to one of our Arts in the Schools Coordinators (below).

Arts in the Schools Coordinators

Carol Boster, Laura Davidson and Cassie Langan:

Music Resources
RESOURCE: School Concert Series Tickets
DESCRIPTION: City of Pleasanton Dept. Parks and Community Services at Amador Theater.
CONTACT: Michelle Russo / 925-931-5340 / Web > School Concert Series tickets & newsletter
RESOURCE: Golden Bough
DESCRIPTION: K-5: Contemporary and traditional Celtic, American, and International Folk music. Internationally acclaimed touring and recording trio involves students in entertaining educational programs.
CONTACT: Margie Butler / 503-843-2152 / Email / Web
RESOURCE: Golden Gate Brass Quintet
DESCRIPTION: Brass instruments and technique through music, storytelling, and audience participation.
CONTACT: Carole Klein / 510-482-3825 / Email
RESOURCE: His Majestie's Musicians
DESCRIPTION: Three song, dance and music programs related to 7th grade curriculum: Songs and dances of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, music from the time of Shakespeare and Elizabeth I.
CONTACT: Lee McRae / 510-848-5591 / Email / Web
RESOURCE: McLaren and Flowers
DESCRIPTION: Three song and story programs: The Gold Rush Sisters (Stories and Songs of the California Goldrush), The Liberty Sisters (American History, Where Were The Women?), The Acappellers (Making Music Using Our Original Instruments!).
CONTACT: Libby McLaren / Email / Web
RESOURCE: Voices in Harmony
DESCRIPTION: Mens a cappella chorus performs to support local youth vocal programs.
CONTACT: 877-684-3844 / Email / Web
RESOURCE: Say "Yes" to Music
DESCRIPTION: Incorporates wide range of music styles; encourages student participation.
CONTACT: Don Lewis / Email
RESOURCE: Kevin George Carey
DESCRIPTION: 6-12: Private coaching in voice, piano, and songwriting for today's music industry, taught by a working musician, worship leader, producer, and short film orchestrator.
CONTACT: 925-523-1104 / Email / Web
RESOURCE: Pacific Sticks Percussion Ensemble
DESCRIPTION: K-12: Assemblies, workshops, residencies (including 5-day residency to support the teaching of mathematics), customized programs.
CONTACT: topKen Crawford / 650-365-1039 / Email
Music/Drama Resources
RESOURCE: California Shakespeare Theater
DESCRIPTION: Acting and performing arts workshops for all ages. Shakespeare specialists. Student matinee opportunities to see main stage work.
CONTACT: Emily Morrison / 510-548-3422 x127 / Web
RESOURCE: Bonda Lewis, Performances Off the Shelf Actor
DESCRIPTION: 7-12: Bonda visits as a historical figure giving insight into the life and times of the woman she plays.
CONTACT: Bonda Lewis / 408-551-0474 / Email / Phone
RESOURCE: Mary Spalding: Musician, Naturalist, Educator
DESCRIPTION: K-8: Musical tour of the globe through songs, stories, histories. Craft an instrument from "household garbage."
CONTACT: Mary Spalding / 915-731-3550 / Email
RESOURCE: Opera Piccola
DESCRIPTION: Musical drama, opera, performing arts workshops.
CONTACT: 510-482-0927 / Web
RESOURCE: Poetry Alive
DESCRIPTION: Poems performed theatrically.
RESOURCE: San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
DESCRIPTION: K-6: Audience participation.
CONTACT: 415-422-2222 or 800-978-PLAY / Web
RESOURCE: San Jose Opera In School Program
DESCRIPTION: K-12: Workshops and assemblies.
RESOURCE: The Horn Man
DESCRIPTION: Uses history, folklore, science and geography to describe the 11 horns he plays.
CONTACT: Bill Nemoyten: 510-247-1798 / Web
RESOURCE: Valley Concert Chorale
DESCRIPTION: "Mystery of the Missing Lunches." Spoken dialogue, acting, song, dancing, costumes, sets.
CONTACT: Pam Grove: 925-462-4205 / Web
RESOURCE: Walden Marionettes
DESCRIPTION: A simple way to make a puppet, followed by a humorous program using marionettes; drama, dance, music (classical and operatic).
CONTACT: topJohn Frederick & Son: 650-344-1005 / Web
Literature Resources
RESOURCE: Alan Schroeder
DESCRIPTION: K-12: This author teaches how to do research and write a book.
CONTACT: Alan Schroeder: 510-522-2243 / Email:
RESOURCE: Eth-Noh-Tec Creations
DESCRIPTION: Storytelling using variety of musical instruments and movements, mixing East/West performance styles.
RESOURCE: Kenneth Foster
DESCRIPTION: Storyteller.
Visual Arts Resources
RESOURCE: Learn How to Draw in 3-D
DESCRIPTION: K-5: Art assembly.
CONTACT: Mark Kistler: 888-837-2933 / Web
RESOURCE: Watercolor Painting
DESCRIPTION: K-12: Classical watercolor, oriental brush painting, color mix, brush control, composition.
CONTACT: Charlotte Severin: 925-846-6382 or 925-989-7878
RESOURCE: Demonstration: Weaving Seaweed Baskets; Ocean Life Science
DESCRIPTION: Seaweed and materials found in nature are transformed into beautiful baskets.
CONTACT: Gail Ruvalcaba: 925-846-8960
RESOURCE: Creative Art Instruction
DESCRIPTION: K-5. Standards-based curriculum exposing students to many different styles, processes and mediums, while incorporating good artist habits and use of tools.
CONTACT: Laura Davidson: Email / Web
RESOURCE: Weaving, Drawing & Painting
DESCRIPTION: Available after school hours for enrichment.
CONTACT: Sharon Gardner: 925-447-5325
RESOURCE: Weaving, Drawing & Painting
DESCRIPTION: Available after school hours for enrichment.
CONTACT: Anne Emery: 925-846-7156
RESOURCE: General Art Instruction; Altered Books
DESCRIPTION: K-12: Instruction based on curriculum, standards, or special projects; recycling books into art and poetry.
CONTACT: Morgan Mitchell: 925-518-3567
RESOURCE: Maitrayi Pithadiya
DESCRIPTION: Drawing/painting lessons in pencil, watercolor, oil pastels, and others.
CONTACT: topMaitrayi Pithadiya: 510-648-1400 / Email / Web