The showcase was from 6:30-8:30 PM on August 12 at St Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church Gymnasium on Stoneridge in Pleasanton.
This project was supported by Pleasanton’s Civic Arts Commission through a City Grant, the Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council (PCAC), the Pleasanton Art League (PAL), and the Livermore Art Association (LAA). The youth in the YMCA programs worked on a series of projects over the 9 weeks of the summer– with support and volunteers from PCAC, PAL, and LAA who did an amazing job. The showcase included the display of projects the kids created using a variety of mediums. They include Mixed Media, Caran d’Ache, and Bas Relief. Beth Okurowski, Rekha Joshi, and Beverly Turner trained YMCA staff. Professional artists from PCAC, PAL, and LAA, as tutors, covered almost all of the art classes.
Snacks and refreshments were provided at the showcase, and the event attracted a number of families and members of the public who enjoyed the children’s art.