“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us..” The Tale of Two Cities
Do you think Charles Dickens’ words foretold 2020? Is it a tale of our world torn asunder by the current pandemic? Covid_19 surges have muffled music, art exhibitions and public events. Yet, PCAC has striven for creative ways to enliven our everyday spirit and breathe hope to lagging minds.
Stretching into the digital world, PCAC conducted a three-day Literary, Visual Arts and Music competition November 6-8, 2020. The “Youth Excellence in Arts“, Music and Literary Arts awards were conducted using the Zoom platform. The Visual Arts adjudication on November 7, 2020, required each participant to submit three pieces of art prior to that date. Judges critiqued the submission without student contact or comments. The YEA award winners in each of three categories received cash awards for $750, $500 and $300 respectively. Only Pleasanton high school students were eligible to enter the competition.
PCAC is actively working with the Pleasanton Unified School District and the Alviso Adobe to digitally re-design an Indigenous People Project intended to bring together art, music, science and history for inclusion in the third grade curriculum unit on local history.
The mural at Mohr Elementary is almost finished and reflective of the efforts of the Mohr PTA Garden Committee and PCAC to bring a storytelling environmental mural to life. It is a testament to a cooperative effort that will teach for many years.
PCAC was honored to participate in and support the 2020 Poetry Slam, produced in “virtual form” during the Covid_19 lockdown. The slam allowed students to express some of their deeper emotions and values. Students videoed their performances in order to help create the virtual event. PCAC contributed in this effort by supporting the Teen Poet Laureate Program financially, and by helping with the judging of the performances.
As 2020 closes, the Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council is grateful for your support and participation in the Arts and your continued realization of the essential need for the heart to celebrate possibilities through music, art and literature.
Kelly Cousins
Mission: “PCAC encourages, supports and promotes the Arts in our schools and the Pleasanton community to reflect our cultural diversity and inspire all.”
PCAC is always interested in public comments. You can reach us at P.O.Box 1298, Pleasanton, CA 94566 or email us at PCAC.board@gmail.com if you want to volunteer or donate.